Monday, December 27, 2010


Wait! Weight update.

Well hotdog, I dropped down 33 lbs at the end of 5 months! I hit 197 lbs. whoopee! Of course, that5 was like the day before Thanksgiving so I didn't stay there but rebounded off the low up 3 to 200 even. The beginning of December I popped up to 202 and have stayed under that for the whole month fluctuating from 200 to 202. Sunday was the first day in 6 months that I haven't weighed myself in the morning or in the evening for that matter. I pretty much stopped keeping track of my intake except mentally. If I wrote it all down on my spreadsheet, I know it would go over 2200 cal. per day. I don't want to know, even though I do know anyway. Silly. The discipline of logging it all into a spreadsheet really helped me focus. If I'd do anything with that much regularity I'd be a hero at it.

Let me see...what else have I been doing with that much consistency in the last half a year? I read PZmyers Blog everyday to keep up with all the godless liberals. if you are interested.

I played golf nearly everyday. I miss playing with Bob and Skip over at Yinglings every Sunday morning. I think Bob must be busy still with life.

I play Poker Stars Texas Hold'em every day for long stretches at a time. No cash involved just mental diversion. I practice the Pentatonic scales on my guitar and play the blues progressions (like I know what that is) and write little songs to the blues. I got a bunch of them. Some of the phrases really have some potential. I'm getting better a picking the scales. I'm kind of sad that I never picked up on it all these years. Oh well, it's fun and I am getting noticeably better at it. What else? I'm sure there is something else. Hmmm? Nope! Not counting my phenomenal skill at procrastination, that's about it for noted activities over these 6 months.

For Christmas Scot loaned me his collection of Diskworld series stories, by Sir Terry Pratchett. I have started reading the colour of Magic. Pretty cool, I don't know how I missed them. Thanks Scot with one T.

I re-started digging into my crates of things I go from the leaning center. I have a idea of cataloging it all and selling it out on Ebay. All my books and tapes, everything must go. Didn't get too far with it though, just enough to stack some more stuff up on my table surrounding my keyboard and monitor. I tried to sort some of my tools in the boxes and bucket from my on the road installing jobs. I could start my Pawn Shop with what I have that I never use.
Well that's enough focusing for now.
Happy New Year!

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