Monday, July 30, 2012


Facebook Pain

I think I have to stop reading Facebook now. It hurts me to see people I care about make statements and I can't respond for fear offending them. One of the problems is that I used to believe exactly the same way. I agreed right down the line. I was a conservative Republican voter, a Pro-Life supporter, Anti-homosexual, Anti-secularism, Anti-Cult (Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Hindu, Muslim, Scientology, Buddhism, Zeus, etc). I detested Democrat positions and their politicians, (Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Barny Frank, Barbara Boxer, etc.) I loved listening to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck (they could say no wrong.) I fully support the 2d Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, I supported anti-evolution/science ministries. I tithed money and gave to church building/land funds. I helped train my son to be a Godly man. I have been de-converted from the Christian Faith and from believing in the supernatural in general for almost 5 years now. I feel the need to push back on the hateful bigotry I see written. I am a little reticent, because that bigot once was me and I really do love many of those that enable hate and bigotry. I know that they do not really see it in themselves. They think they are being loving and kind and standing up for what is right and holy. I know. That bigot once was me.

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