Monday, January 09, 2006


The Vocation

I've thought myself a writer for many years. Trouble is I never just write. I know that's what they all say, but with me it's true. I think maybe I should just write to see if it actually turns out to be true.

I think it is a good thing to give to the poor, but I really don't think we should keep creating poor people just so we can have someplace to give. The poor are very able to create themselves just fine without our help. If I teach a man to fish and he decides he'd rather beg for food, I say fine, but I will not be obligated to give him my fish. That's just being lazy. That guy needs to really go hungry for a while to wake up and join life, it's what's going on. We have such a wealthy country that even our poor have television, drink beer and smoke cigarettes. I call them the willing poor. I could join their ranks easy enough. All I'd have to do is quit work and not pay my bills. Pretty soon I'd be homeless and clothesless and foodless. Since I would be a new poor person, I'd need some coaching on how to beg and make the government feel sorry for me. My wife and son would be ok, because the goverment already feels sorry for them because I am such a loser and won't support them. Hmmmm. I think I am getting some good ideas that just might work. I better not let the cat out of the bag or someone might figure out that I planned the whole thing to get over on the government. It's gotta look natural... Needs some work.

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