Monday, November 19, 2007


Shaping Incredulity

There. It's gone. No one ever thought the thoughts I thought.

All my children shall be taught of God and great shall be the peace of my children. Amen.
Your Mama
P.S. I love you more than you can imagine!
NOt anonymous anymore! Learning to BLOG!
I guess I better check it more often than never.
I know you love me Mom. You are a pretty good friend. Let me check your deal.
I checked your blog. There is no guile in you at all.
I have a question? What about the prayers that are answered?
I have enjoyed reading all of your blogs it really makes me want to blog too!
Praying to a jug of milk will get you the exact same answers to prayer as praying to any other entity. Answers: Yes, No, Wait.

The Yes answers were things that were going to happen anyway. Simply coincidental to the prayer.

The human mind tends to remember the hits and to discount and forget the misses. So the Yes's seem to pile up, but the No's are a gigantic mountain stacked up next to an ant-hill.
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