Sunday, January 04, 2009


Must move carefully

Billions of humans all over the earth talk out loud to invisible gods who refuse to respond and who will not appear. Billions more people all over the earth bow down to visible figures of gods made of stone, clay, plastic, or wood. All these human beings ask these gods questions expecting to be heard and answered. If all these credulous minds are susceptible to believing things about the world without proper evidence, I surely am at risk of being taken advantage of due to tendencies of gullibility. I must be on my guard at all times. My mind has a credulous part that has been utilized by others, in the past, to manipulate my thinking. I am not any better than any other in this regard, I am simply taking over my own mind and protecting that part that is exploitable by charlatans and by those still in exploitation. So many, many people, children and adults alike, are enslaved with this mental bondage. It has been going on for most of the deep time humans have been sentient. Unfathomable amounts of mental and physical efforts expended on appeasing the invisible which could have been used for rational endeavours and reducing the real pains of human existence. So many minds locked in neutral, wasting, happy, waiting till the end when time is no more. Who gains from this state of affairs? The money collectors aren't complaining of which two subsets would be politicians and religious leaders. Hell, maybe it can't ever be fixed. Maybe the human brain hasn't evolved enough. Well that's obvious in this case. It is too overwhelming isn't it? Might as well as join them if can't beat them. I've got a good 30-40 years left maybe. I'll start my own religion. There is sure no lack of possible converts salivating to believe some made up pastry. I probably shouldn't think about it too much though because thoughts could get in the way. Hmmm. This is gonna have to be done off line. Maybe I'll find some golden plates or maybe a very obscure website! I am getting excited now!

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